Money and Spirituality

Herbie J Pilato
4 min readMay 2, 2021

What the Heck is Really Going On?!

For some, making money comes easy.

For others, not so much.

For some, religion and spirituality tops material wealth.

For others, not so much.

For some, it is believed that God or the “Universe” wants each of us on Earth to be rich.

For others, for millions and millions of people, actually, that doesn’t make any sense at all; like the poor, the homeless, the sickly, the starving, and the dying who are suffering in every part of the world.

Somehow, it doesn’t fit that all these suffering people need to do is take a course in positive thinking or believe that God wants to be rich, and they’ll be fine. That may seem to make sense (and “cents,” that is, and lots of dollars!) to the so-called “Prosperity Preachers” who have cropped up in recent decades. But in the big picture scheme of things, it makes no sense (and “cents,” and not a dime).

So, what is the heck is really going on here when it comes to money, spirituality, and success?

Well, for the past 40 years I’ve studied every major religion and spiritual belief, and I can only share with you what I have learned and what has been my experience.



Herbie J Pilato

Herbie J Pilato is a writer, producer, and TV personality whose books about life and pop culture include THE 12 BEST SECRETS OF CHRISTMAS.