The Truth About Bullies and Bullying

Herbie J Pilato
2 min readOct 1, 2024

In understanding the truth about bullies and bullying, always consider the source…and a little bit more.

More often than not, those who bully anyone in public or private are hurting or lacking in some way.

While, too, bullying, takes many forms and may not seem as obvious.

Sometimes bullying takes the form of silence or “ghosting,” the inability to be happy for others, the inability to defend others who are under attack, or the inability to even say “thank you” for a gift you may have generously given (be it a purchased or homemade item, or even a gift of cash or a check).

Other times, bullies may try to disparage your work or turn colleagues, friends, or family against you.

Either way, whenever anyone makes fun of or bullies you in public or in private…or even remains silent when they should speak up for you or fails to come to your defense, to congratulate one of your accomplishments, or simply does not know how to be happy for you or express any happiness for your success…just forgive them.

Rise above it all with grace, and move on.

Overall, pray for and bless the bullies in your life…so that they may one day be as beautiful as you are.



Herbie J Pilato

Herbie J Pilato is a writer, producer, and TV personality whose books about life and pop culture include THE 12 BEST SECRETS OF CHRISTMAS.